MLG’s Community Engagement Grant Program is designed to foster strong, sustainable relationships with the local communities in which MLG operates. At MLG, we believe in the power of community and are committed to supporting the areas where our employees live and work. This program aims to fund projects and support community groups that contribute to the wellbeing, environmental sustainability, and economic prosperity of these communities, ensuring they thrive alongside our business. Through active collaboration and support, we look forward to making a lasting, positive impact together.
MLG are accepting applications from community groups and not-for-profit organisations which are based in the Kalgoorlie, Kambalda, Leinster, Leonora, Wiluna, Granites (NT), Meekatharra, and Esperance regions.
MLG’s Community Engagement Grant Program supports a range of projects, events and activities that benefit the local communities across the following categories:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Arts and Education
- Community Development and Culture
- Environment
Funding is available for projects, events and activities that will give back to the local communities in which MLG operates and our staff live and work. MLG views all funding as partnership and we will support successful applicants to achieve their project goals.
In FY2024 MLG has donated over $78,000 to local communities or groups, including:
- Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)
- Lifeline
- Cancer 200 Ride for a Cure
- Goldfields Medical Alliance
- Kalgoorlie Equestrian Club
- Westonia Bowling Club
- Eastern Goldfields Little Athletics Club
- Lions Cancer Institute (WA)
- St Barbara’s Festival
- Morgans Big Dry Fundraiser
- Rotary Club
- Mack Muster
- Coolgardie Rodeo
- Zero2Hero
Please download the application form and follow the instructions.
If you have questions about the program or the application process, please contact the MLG Community Engagement Committee: community@mlgoz.com.au